Your Best Self

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By Alicia Joel

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Covid 19-Depression, Anxiety and NJ Telehealth

Covid 19- Depression, Anxiety and NJ Telehealth, it is a topic worth discussing.

One of the blessings I have thought about during the pandemic is the amazing nature of technology and how I have been able to continue to see clients through telehealth. Telehealth has been one of the blessings of the past few months because without it, I would not have been able to safely continue to see clients.

It has been months since I have written a blog. The past few months have been tough. Who would have ever thought that this pandemic would be going on still, without certainty of when it will end. This is where Depression, Anxiety and NJ telehealth come in.

Telehealth is truly one of the best things which has come out of the pandemic. Not only has it allowed me to continue to see the clients I had when the pandemic first started, it has allowed new clients to access mental health services for depression, anxiety, and concerns related to not only COVID-19 but life in general.


To access telehealth, a link is sent to clients before the session. I use a HIPAA compliant platform. The platform I use for individual sessions is :

For sessions with more than one person I sometimes use:

A client simply clicks on the link. We then see each other in real-time and talk with one another, just as we would if we were in an office setting. Clients have been amazed, frankly I have been as well, at the convenience of telehealth. Insurance has been wonderful about paying for telehealth and I am hoping that this continues, long after the pandemic ends. Those of you who know me know I am committed to serving people who have insurance I am in network with as well as those I am not in network with.

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Hi, I’m Alicia! By now you probably know who I am, but just in case you don’t, I am a New Jersey Telehealth Therapist and I’m so happy you landed here!

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