Your Best Self

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By Alicia Joel

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Life Transitions

It has been a long time since I last posted.  I decided today that I would write and that I would talk about life transitions which is a part of what I work with people in my practice on.

The past year for me has been challenging.  I converted to a full telehealth practice instead of an office which I had initially been uncertain of.  However, I have come to embrace the convenience of telehealth, it is great for clients who can see me anywhere within the state of New Jersey, provides the freedom of not having to drive to and from my office, and Onyx (my black lab who is sometimes an Instagram star????) loves being able to work beside me.

The biggest change however is one which is up close and personal.  All of us have had the experience of living through this pandemic and how it has altered our lives in one way or another.  I have seen ways in which people have been torn apart and then come back together.

On a very personal level, Covid took away my mother.  In fact, this is the first blog I am writing in which she will not be able to read it.  My mother would read my blogs and comment back to me.  My mother used to teach English as a Second Language before she retired so she was one to watch things in writing with the eye of a teacher.

The life transition for me has been living my life without my mother.  This includes going back to seeing clients after she passed away.  Also, seeing things about Covid on the news every day and pondering all the events which have occurred, continue to occur, and wondering how things will be in the future.

Why am I sharing this with you?  I think it is important as a therapist to “keep it real” with clients and with people in general.  In fact, that’s just the kind of person I am.  Clients go through life transitions and I do as well.  Somehow we go through them and find ways to cope and travel through muddy waters.  I have found that although my feet get wet, they can dry, and then sometimes get wet again. 

I hope that sharing some of my personal life transition will be helpful.

Be well,


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Hi, I’m Alicia! By now you probably know who I am, but just in case you don’t, I am a New Jersey Telehealth Therapist and I’m so happy you landed here!

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